I ran away to Amsterdam for a long weekend, I am predisposed to some airport panic but I had some techniques, music and bleary tired eyes from an early rush to the airport , I had to have some stop moments of stopping, taking a breath and reordering my head. Instantly the proud architecture stood up to me, making the bleak but bright weather quite beautiful.
The Red Light District was a bit of a revelation, these were women, young women my age and not wax works. Their story plays on my mind and I naturally want to look closer but this isn’t a museum, I really recommend reading up on the way these girls are gathered, treated and neglected. Knowledge is Power. I managed to visit to the famous Condomerie, I found the Eiffel tower condom the most entertaining, a cultured and classy condom (hey!) Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to get really visually involved.I set about finding FOAM, to catch the Francesca Woodman “On Being an Angel” exhibition, I am so in love with her photographs that it was incredible to see them in the flesh, to see her contorted body, to see her communicating with every atom… It made me feel passion for the female body and human sensuality. Most of all being around such beautiful inspiration made me forget my various anxieties and showed me a lot about my own creative motivation.

Walking around was pretty important to the whole trip, there’s constant Instagram worthy shots but if you’re busy experiencing the collage of beauty, forget your phone for a moment and actually walk enjoy the cobbles, the rain on your face, run from or toward the smell of cannabis… Finding an actual coffee shop is difficult in the centre but actually it was much nicer to get away from the throngs of people and coffee, shop, wander in the lovely 9 Streets – It’s just a very cool place with affordable shops. (I also found in most shop an abundance of cheap 1930s-1970s fur hats)

I have already started compiling an agenda for my next visit which I promise will include The Sex Museum, Condomerie Condoms for friends, De Pijp, Real Shopping, Dancing and the Seaside near by.
I’d recommend:9 Streets, as previously mentioned.Catch Tram (sit by window)Getting the Ferry to TolhuistuinMondo Mediterraneo (Home Made Raviolli, Canolli etc)Rosa and RitaCafĂ© RestaurantFOAM and Huis Marseille